Our theme is: Me and My Environment, and by Week 7 we need to have created a map of the school, with our ideas of where we want to improve it!
For Maths we will be looking at Statistics, Mapping (with Geometry), and of course strategies to solve our mapping calculations!
In Reading we are looking at a variety of Strategies to improve our comprehension. As we are doing Narratives in Writing, we will look at some well-known Fairy Tales, and see how we go at writing our own narratives. But... we are going to do it a bit differently... wait and see!
Of course this is also the term to sign up for all the exciting extra-curricular activities that our school has to offer - Remember, at the end of the year you get to go on the Service to Schools outing, so Go For It!, and keep happy and healthy by being really involved in our School life! (I hope a whole bunch of you will be joining my Choir!)
Mrs T.